In Nepal many religions are followed by Nepali people for their own appeasement and glee. But it doesn't mean that everyone is following relegion .Nevertheless someone does not follow relegion , they are happy. But now a days relegions are becoming as a semblance of discrimination and conflict which has become a massive problem among people. If I talk about Christian people , they are also not showing the characters of Jesus christ where as Jesus says ,"love everyone and show the good characters " but these commandments are not following by Christian people . In my own perspective Christian people are following to relegion not to Jesus. It is true that according to the bible we are Christian but it doesn't mean that to follow Christian relegion. It is not appropriate for us to follow relegion. When we start to follow relegion it creates discrimination and conflict among people because relegion is not our God it is only identification which was given to us. We have to follow the word of Jesus because when we start to honour his word it helps to create existence of humanity in our heart and which helps to make good relationship with gentles. Some of the Christian people has forgotten to greet other people by' Namaste '. Our God has not said to stop greet other people ,Jesus always says "love your neighbour " it means to show appropriate characters with them but we are becoming greater than Jesus and his word. In the bible Jesus christ has showed the humanity to teach us . He did not perform bad characters. If we want to keep good relationship with other people we ought to greet them by common greeting (Namaste ). And we have to stop discriminate them . We can share the love of Jesus. In their difficult situation we must help them . How we can express the love of Jesus? How we can make the disciples of Jesus? In current situation we are prohibited to extend the word of God among congregation of other people. But we have a solution! If we want to fascinate other people then we can show our good characters with them. Probably it helps to make good relationship with them and to spread the word of Jesus as well . As a Christian we have to determine to endure their bad habits and show good habits. If we start to show humanity among gentile probably it doesn't happen today but one day they will understand us and start to keep good relationship with us . So, we must have to follow the Bible not relegion.