The shepherd and the flock the belive that we are made in the image of god is a crucial part of the christen faith. It impacts not only how we view our selves but how we view others. It affects how you treat people and how we traat our selves . A shepheard must protect and nurture his sheep keeping them healthy . It was a lonely life, a difficult life but if a shepherd did his job everyone would know that he was a good shephard . jesus uses what the people would undrestand a parable about shephards to tell ùs somethings about him self . that he is the good shepherd of our lives. But before we see what is good about the good shepherd . jesus as the good shepherd or as on tranlation puts it the model shepherd being of the job the strength and courage of an earthly shepherd but also the qualities of beauty and kindness which helps us to call him friends . my shepherd is jesus who really never live me in my every stape. he always love me and helps me in my bad time or good time . the book ( Ivan the fools) we can see here how our.god is a good shepherd . because help ivan in every time of his life . and not only he help him he male him a good shepherd of his family. so our jesus give ans in right time.
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